60 Epic Easter Nail Designs to Look Gorgeous
Easter is one of the most loved holidays! So on such a day, try to have the best Easter look by wearing one of these cute Easter nail designs.
Best Easter Nail Designs You’d Like

Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life! So on such a day, women wearing a new cloth is not enough to show up in the best Easter look, but wearing a suitable nail design for the day would be perfect. It’s not all about cloth it’s also about hands that play an important role if designed in a way that beautifies and suits the event. Therefore, you as a woman who’s trying to get the best look should totally take a few minutes to check out the below list made up of 60 funny Easter nail designs that will help you be in your best mood and best look on this holiday. Don’t miss it!
#1. Easter Acrylic Nails
#2. Easter Coffin Nails
#3. Easter Gel Nail Design
#4. Easter Toe Nail Design
#5. 3d Easter Nail Art
#6. Easter Cross Nail Art
#7. Easter Pointy Nails
#8. Purple Color Nails for Easter
#9. Disney Easter Nails
#10. Stamp Nail Design for Easter
#11. Funny Bunny
The bunny is the character that represents Easter holiday. So for a perfect Easter nail design, you gotta include a bunny in it in the way you’d like to. And as shown in the figures above there is a bunny in a polka nail design, a bunny divided into 3 parts in a normal purple nail design, and a bunny on each tip of the nail in a gray nail design.
#12. Easter Pattern Nail Design
In such a holiday, eggs are decorated with different bright colors and random patterns. So to represent Easter day in your feminine nails, just design them with random patterns and bright colors.
#13. Polka Dots, A Chick, And A Bunny
Polka dots are cute and easy to apply. Try a manicure inspired by anything around you, even table cloths and old tea cup sets can do the trick. Polka dots combined with bunnies is indeed a great idea for an Easter nail design!
#14. Cyan Blue
Blue is the warmest color, it’s the color that reflects a calm woman and a shy one. So if you are a shy person don’t miss the chance of wearing this white and cyan blue nail design.
#15. Lemonade And Magenta Pink
Go pink and puffy by wearing this design made up of different shades of pink.
#16. Techno Color
Unravel your inner artists and use this impressionist style to blow off everybody’s mind with this endless colorful frenzy! Don’t forget that you need a nail design for an Easter day so you have to go colorful but with bright colors, and at the same time try to include a bunny or a chick to make your nails live the spirit of the day.
#17. Colorful Stilleto
Stiletto shaped nails are very trendy and sexy. On Easter day, try to look gorgeous and sexy wearing this colorful Easter nail design.
#18. Easter Pink Nails
To get a cute and peaceful nail design all you need to do is use the pink color to chill out, go girly, and relax! Add a white bunny to celebrate the Easter holiday having a baby pink base for the index finger, while the other fingers cover them with pinkish glitter to break the monotonic pattern.
#19. In A Rush
If you are in a rush and don’t have much time until you need to head out to meet your girlfriends for shopping but want to flaunt an Easter nail design then go ahead and pick your favorite finger to decorate with a cute bunny and another one to go glittery in, and get a glamorous manicure in no time!
#20. Wavy Periwinkle
Mashup and mix the Carolina blue with the lime green and periwinkle purple to have an amazing wavy nail design.
#21. Easter Egg
The chick in the above design represents a hatching one which shed lights on the Easter egg that represents the holiday as a whole! So to have the perfect Easter nail design, you gotta draw a hatching chick on your ring finger or any favorite finger, but according to the other fingers, you have to decorate them with different colors and with a random pattern having a simple white base.
#22. Carrot Leaves
To obtain a nail design that describes an Easter holiday, you don’t have to always draw a bunny on your nails, you are able to draw the carrot leaves to represent the carrot in order to show a bunny in an indirect way. In addition to that, you can add eggs to every nail to show the holiday spirit.
#23. Colorful Eggs
Easter is all about colorful eggs. Greet the holiday with a nail design of colorful eggs of a cyan blue base.
#24. Color Frenzy
Colors are the basics in Easter holiday. So to obtain an epic Easter nail design all ou have to do is to work with different colors.
#25. Different
Using different kinds of colors and designs in each nail on the inner side of your nail beds is a great method to create a pretty nail theme for the best look to have on an Easter day!
#26. Dinosaur Egg
It doesn’t always have to be a normal egg, it could also be a dinosaur egg which is the type of egg we are only familiar with in movies. Now a colored dinosaur egg is also something we are not usually used to, and in this design, we are mixing the egg with colors so that we can represent the Easter holiday theme.
#27. Cloudy
Blue is the most color loved all people all around the world! So if you are a blue lover, you can wear this design to show your infinite blue love designing it with clear white clouds.
#28. Angry Birds
It doesn’t have to be a normal chick, bird, or bunny it could be an angry bird!
#29. Hatching Chick
In the design, we can see the Easter spirit. In the thumb, the hatching egg design is operated. In the index, middle, and pinky fingers the design is the Easter egg pattern where the nails are decorated with different colors having a clear white base. While in the ring finger, a bunny is added. All these elements make the best Eastern nail design.
#30. Carrots And Baby Blue
As shown in this nail design, it’s not necessary to show a bunny or a bird to have the Eastern spirit in a design, you can present that with the bunny ears as shown in the index finger and with carrots that are a rabbit’s best food. The baby blue background plays an important role in making the design a warm one.
#31. Newbie, But Meant to Be
New to nail art? Try this easy nail design and keep practicing because you know you are meant to be a true artist.
#32. Eastern Love
To show that you are in love with Easter holiday, add to your pattern the small heart shape instead of the small circles.
#33. Polka Dots Never Gets Old
Brighten up a white background with mini colorful polka dots all over your tiny cute nails.
#34. Cute Polka
Greet the best holiday with the most suitable nail design made up of a bunny and a chick, with adding cuteness to the design through the white polka dots.
#35. Have No Time
Have no time but you are in a need for a beautiful Easter nail design? Well, you don’t have to worry anymore, cause this design serves your choice. Its easy, simple, Easter themed and doesn’t need professional skills to be done.
#36. Queen Of The Day
The crown in this design shows that the woman wearing it is a queen! But adding the bunny to the nails of a transparent base with the crowns shows that the one wearing it is the beauty queen of Easter day.
#37. Corn Flower, Fuscia, And Violet
In this design, three colors are being used: the violet one in the ring finger, plus it’s designed by a weird pattern. In addition to the fuschia color in the pinky, thumb, and the middle finger, also the cornflower blue with glitter on the tips of the index finger.
#38. Chevron
The chevron nail design made up of 4 levels of different colors is one of the best girly nail designs.
#39. Egg Plant & Fire
In the above design, the nails are short but not simple. The thumb, index and pinky finger are polished with a normal purple eggplant or a fire orange color, but the middle and the ring finger are both designed with a catchy pattern made up of the same colors.
#40. Silent Bunny
Electric blue and warm orange are 2 calm colors, and when used together they make up the perfect mix, in addition to the cute white polka dots. But wait! This design is not a normal one, it’s an Easter cute nail design with a silent bunny and by silent, we mean that it has no eyes or nose or mouth, but it still looks like a fluffy bunny.
#41. Dinosaur Style
Be different by not choosing the same cliche Easter egg, but by designing your nails with the dinosaur egg theme.
#42. Colorful, Fast And Easy
If you are in a rush but want to get an Easter nail style then this one is for you. Apply a colorful random pattern on your favorite finger with different colors while keeping the others plain and simple using one unique color.
#43. Floral Easter
Flowers are not included in Easter holiday themes certainly because they are not an element of this holiday. But if you wanna go girly, add tectonic squares on the tips and sprout white flowers with green leaves in your nails.
#44. Fluffy Bunny
It’s not a rule to have all nails in one hand decorated in the same way. In the above design, we can see that the thumb and the ring nail is decorated with a bunny, the middle and the pinky finger with a colorful pattern, and the index finger with colored polka dots and a white base.
#45. Carrot Lovers
Of course, by carrot lovers, we mean the rabbits. Rabbits are the most species that eat carrots and at the same time the most important character on Easter day. So to have a good Easter nail design it’s enough to go with the orange color, carrots, and a rabbit.
#46. Egg Basket
In Easter holiday we all see the basket of colorful and random patterned eggs, so in this design, no rabbits are used nor patterns but the basket of eggs itself.
#47. Pink & Puffy
Are you a pink color lover and wishing to include the pink color in an Easter nail design? Well, this design is all you need!
#48. Tectonic Squares
Go all geometric on your nail beds and divide them into random squares to get a catchy and visually unusual look!
#49. Warm It Is
Instead of using shiny colors try to use warm colors for the Easter pattern if you are a calm woman.
#50. Triple Base
If you are not able to go fancy in a pattern background, try to have a triple color background with a bunny on the middle finger.
#51. Candy
The color used in the Easter egg pattern in the above design are all the light colors of candy which are the best to use or wear or include in anything on such a day.
#52. Transparent Trick
If you don’t like to have a colorful base for fluffy bunnies on the tips of your nails, you are able to have a transparent base in order to keep the focusing point on the bunnies.
#53. Shiny Decals
Easter nail designs should not always be free from shiny decals. In this nail design, we are getting rid of the usual routine by using shiny colorful decals in the middle, pinky, and thumb fingers.
#54. Easter Glitter Nail Design
In a normal transparent nail design, you gotta do something to give a life for your simple nails by glitter. The glitter touch added in each nail of a different color makes the design able to be worn on a night occasion.
#55. Flared Nails
You don’t have to shape your nails always, in the same way, you can have flared nails in order to be able to focus on the tips of the nail, not the nail itself. In the above design, you can focus on the tips and shed lights on them by using a glittery pattern.
#56. Black Polka
White and transparent base sometimes are boring and cliche. Why not have a black base and a white rabbit? And what’s wrong with having a colorful base with black polka dots instead of white ones.
#57. Pistachio & Corn Yellow
A woman always focuses on basic colors as red, pink, blue, green… But they forget to design their precious nails with chic colors such as the corn yellow and the pistachio green.
#58. Your Little Garden
Whether you crave them inside, on the tips,center, or all sprawling all over, applying a light colored base to a strong colored flower collection can always make them stand out!
#59. Cutie Chick
Polka dots are not the only cute elements in this design, the orange baby chic is a cute one too.
#60. Too Late For Easter
Are you still too late to finish all Easter holiday prepares and have no time to design a good Easter nail design? Well the above design of a simple french tip nail design decorated by a chick and a bunny, have the spirit of Easter.
Some More Gorgeous Easter Nail Designs to Try
Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life! A woman trying to have the best Easter look isn’t satisfied by a suitable cloth, shoes or accessories, it all needs a cute Easter nail design to be perfect! I think the above list of 60 cute Easter nail designs showed you a variety of designs that gained your attention. Hope you liked it!