25 Youthful Quinceanera Nails to Get Inspired

Your quinceanera party is just around the corner. Your dress is picked out; the shoes have arrived. You have set a date with the salon for your make-up. The teeny-tiny thing that’s left to attend to is the nails.

Or did you forget about them? Of course, you didn’t! Quinceanera nails are all the rage now. Mid-teen girls are hardly likely to leave their cuticles unattended.


Beautiful Quinceanera Nails

Nails for quinceanera are meant to celebrate youth and vivaciousness of a young girl. While historically, this ceremony was linked to the entry of a girl into the phase of womanhood, things are thankfully, a little less serious now. For the girl in question, it is a day of fun and attention.

1. Red Almond Quinceanera Nails

red quinceanera nails

Getting ready for your quinceanera party means that you have to find the right hairdo, nails, and dress, and they all have to match. And red quinceanera nails are definitely going to match your extravagant gown. 


2. Coffin Quinceanera Pink Pale Nails

light pink quinceanera nails

Light pink quinceanera nails are ideal when your gown is diaphane and you want to look like a real-life princess. Apply 3D petals and pyramid studs on the ring fingernail.


3. Mermaid Quinceanera Nails

coral quinceanera nails

Ombre nails look absolutely fabulous, right! If you’re a fan of coral quinceanera nails, use coral and pale blue nail polish.

Apply a golden thin foil for some of the nails, recreate the bubbly waves, and apply small seashells and starfish. 


4. Ultra Long Marble Quinceanera Nails

purple quinceanera nails

This special day celebrates you and your growth, from a little girl to a spectacular woman. Purple quinceanera nails will channel your femininity, make you feel like you are the center of the universe.


5. Metalic Silver Nails

silver quinceanera nails