25 Dandelion Nail Art to Blow Your Wishes in The Breeze

The name Dandelion derives from a French word which means “Lion’s Tooth”. Some people consider the dandelions as the carrier of wishes. People blow the florets covering the seed head of the dandelions and make a wish in front of the flying dandelions. It is believed that these florets will bring prosperity to the blower.

A superstitious concept is out there, many people believe that dandelion seeds carry their thoughts and messages to the loved ones who live in a distant place.  Another use of dandelions is to gift them to the beloved person as a token of love and faithfulness. Enough about the dandelions, now let’s talk about some dandelion nail art.


Dandelion Nail Art to Send Wishes

These yellow or orange flowers look stunning when they are seen in a cluster. They turn into white ‘puffballs’ after spending a colorful youth. Dandelions don’t need to be planted because the numerous florets of those seed heads are dispersed into the air in a stiff breeze.  Everybody waits for the dandelions to turn into seeds so that they can make a wish before the seeds and blow them in the air. 


dandelion flower nail art

dandelion flower nail art



dandelion nail art stickers

dandelion nail art stickers



dandelion nail art

dandelion nail art



dandelion nail art